To download templates and samples, click on the title
or the picture and it will take you to GoogleDocs.
Sea Animal Picture Match
(Keyboarding, Clicking between boxes to type, Animals)
Students have a page with the pictures on their computer and have to use word cards made from a printed completed sheet to type in the correct animal names.
Door Signs
(A make and take template for students to customize that can be done in 1-2 class sessions. I put a "bank" of clipart on the side for my kindergarten students to use.)
Mother's Day Word Search in Excel
(inputting data in cells)
Addition Apples in PowerPoint
or the picture and it will take you to GoogleDocs.
Sea Animal Picture Match
(Keyboarding, Clicking between boxes to type, Animals)
Students have a page with the pictures on their computer and have to use word cards made from a printed completed sheet to type in the correct animal names.
Door Signs
(A make and take template for students to customize that can be done in 1-2 class sessions. I put a "bank" of clipart on the side for my kindergarten students to use.)
Mother's Day Word Search in Excel
(inputting data in cells)
Addition Apples in PowerPoint
(Addition, Counting, Clicking and Dragging)
(Presidential Facts, ABC Order, Finding Facts, Numerical Order)
(I use this handout for my students to use to find three facts for each President. I have used this file for several years and am unable to locate where it originally came from.)
(Clicking and Dragging)

Once my students have decorated thier wristbands, they are printed and the rectangles get cut out. Then I laminate them and use a little sticky tacky on the end or double sided tape so the kids can proudly wear thier own creations.

Once my students have decorated thier wristbands, they are printed and the rectangles get cut out. Then I laminate them and use a little sticky tacky on the end or double sided tape so the kids can proudly wear thier own creations.
Beginning R Sound Picture Sort in PowerPoint
(Identifying words that start with the R sound, Clicking and Dragging)
(Finding letters on a keyboard, Clicking in a box to type, Clicking and Dragging)
(Letter Identification, Photography)
(Note: Many of my ideas were inspired by other teachers, but I am not always good at remembering where I my inspiration come from. If a project looks remarkably similar to something you have posted on your site, you were probably my inspiration! Shoot me an email with the link and I will give credit where it is due:)
anneleilani11 (at) gmail (dot) com)